It worked! I am pregnant!
It has been a while since I've updated this blog so here's the rundown.
I took my first hpt on the Sunday after transfer, which was 5dp3dt. It was negative which I was expecting since it was still so early. I took another on Monday afternoon, 6dp3dt and I was fully expecting another negative (I just couldn't resist the urge to test!!). What to my wondering eyes should appear, but a faint second line!! Could my eyes be deceiving me??? Nope. There was a faint line... faint, but there! I did not want to tell my IP's just yet because I wanted to test a few more times, just to make sure this wasn't a fluke. The next day I tested with 2 different brands and they were both positive as well, and the lines were darker. =) I made a cute little photo with the words "We did it!" over the 2 tests from that day and sent it to my IP's.
My IM called a little bit later and was just overjoyed. I was so moved by her reaction.. she broke down in tears a few times.. It was such an amazing feeling to know that we did it!!!!! That I was actually pregnant with their baby. Of course I tested every day between then and the beta, and each day the line got darker and darker. =)
Beta 1 on 10/10 which was 10dp3dt was 121. Excellent number!
Beta 2 on 10/13 which was 13dp3dt was a whopping 724!!! The number is ideally supposed to double every 2 days, which would have put us in the 360 range for that day. I think it's safe to say that BOTH embryos decided to stick around!
I go in for the first ultrasound tomorrow 10/20 and we'll know if both embryos decided to stick around! I'm 99.9% sure it's twins.
I'm 5 weeks 2 days pregnant today, and I'm feeling awesome. No morning sickness (I had one day of queasies but that may have been lack of sleep). I have been a little more tired than usual, but that's really my only "symptom" so far. Thank goodness. I hear morning sickness with multiples is worse than with singletons. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when it comes it is mild... or even better, that I don't get it at all!