My Journey as a Surrogate

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm getting so nervous

(first a quick little blurb since I haven't updated this blog. I have now been to 4 monitering appointments and I am responding well to my meds. I'm still on 10 units of lupron (subcutaneous injection) nightly and I'm on 2 estrodial pills 3 times a day. My uterine lining is 12.. anything over 8 is considered good.)

I can't even imagine the stress my IM must be under if I'm feeling this nervous.

Yesterday she told me that she has 6 follicles. 3 in one ovary and 3 in the other. 3 on the one side are too small (they need to be a certain size to have an egg inside). On the other side one was small, and 2 were a bit bigger, but still not considered mature (big enough). Yikes.

Today, she went for another appointment and found that they *are* growing, which is a good thing. There are 2 that are considered mature. Hopefully between now and whenever they decide to perform the egg retrieval (it was going to be Friday... not sure if they'll let her go a couple more days) they will have grown some more and the smaller ones will have grown too. *fingers crossed*

I'm trying to keep positive. It only takes ONE good embryo to make a baby, right?

It's just so scary. It's more of a peace of mind thing if they have multiple embryos to work with. Then the RE (Dr) can pick and choose the best ones.

After egg retrieval the eggs are fertilized with the intended father's sperm and allowed to grow. If there are more embryos to work with, the chances of at least some of them making it to day 3 (transfer day) are higher. If it's just one or two embryos there's a lot riding on those little guys (or girls lol)!

So yeah.... the pressure is officially on. I am officially freaking out.

PLEASE my IM can use all of the "grow follicles!" vibes she can get right now.



  • At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh sweety. How stressful. Is everything ok with your IF's sperm? I sure hope so. That way whatever eggs you do get, will fertilized and be happy. Then they can snuggle up in that fluffy lining you have made, and all will be well.

    I am sending you all the growing eggie vibes I can muster up!!!

  • At 1:32 PM, Blogger Kim said…

    Woohoo! How exciting (and nerve racking). Grow follies grow!


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