My Journey as a Surrogate

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Waitin and hopin and hopin and waitin

There sure is a lot of waiting in this whole process and I imagine it has to be a hundred times worse for my IP's. Still no phone pre-screens but I just got word from my IM that the clinic has received my medical records and they are going over them now.

Summer seems to be d r a g g i n g on forever. I'm ready for the hustle and bustle of school (mine and the kids) and appointments and things to fill up the day. Don't get me wrong, I like sitting at home with the kids, but when it's day after day after day after day..... well, I get stir crazy!

I'm really looking forward to fall. It's my favorite season and it's right around the corner. =D

I've been doing really good with working out. Averaging 5 times a week, doing The Firm cardio and The Firm body sculpting. On the days I don't do those workouts the kids and I go for a long walk. I love the feeling of accomplishing a workout and noticing that I can do more reps or use more weight. I'm noticing that my arms are getting defined as well as my abs. I just wish my butt and thighs would start to notice that I've been working out! LOL! Those have always been my trouble spots. I'm really looking forward to doing this surrogacy with a nice healthy, fit body. It'll be interesting to see the difference from my last pregnancies, in which I gained a lot of weight and sort of dragged about.

Well, that's about it for now.. I'll come back to update when I get word about the pre-sreening phone calls.


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