My Journey as a Surrogate

Friday, August 10, 2007


All my medical records are officially MAILED! Finally!! It only took about ohhhhh 4 hours to copy them all yesterday. A boring update, but an important one nonetheless because once they recieve and review my records we can move forward and on to the phone pre-screenings and then the trip to NY shortly after that. =D


  • At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    RMA all day appt-
    Earthy birthy mama- you asked for update on the RMA all day:
    It really did go well- they initially kind of scared us with all the supposed meetings- but basically dh and I met with social worker (not dr.braverman) together, then individually..Then I had my physical exam, then both of us did our bloodwork, then allll the questionairres to fill out. There is one sheet of sentences that you have to complete:
    "a woman's body......" "It hurts when...." "People get praised...." Not too hard to do. Then a questionairre (along the lines of the PAI) about your relationship with your dh. Then the PAI (like the MMPI)...It was funny:
    "Your favorite sport is the high jump" t or F "Your hobbies are stamp collecting and archery" "How often has your drug use interferred with your job?" Etc. All were pretty obvious how you should answer them!! Also, the social worker, Bette, was a breeze to chat with. Even dh enjoyed meeting with her==other than being a very long day, it was not nearly as bad as we thought it would be. (OH we also had to go be seen by Maternal Fetal Medicine- to discuss the "risks" of the pregnancy. If you have to do that as well it is also a breeze--the dr literally did not say ANYthing that I hadn't already warned the couple of--like my higher risk for pp hemorrage, gestational diabetes, and high blood pressure- all simply because of the stats for women who are 35 and older~~ not because I have these issues!!) Good luck, I 'm sure you will do just great~~ peachysurro (on SMO!)


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